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Societal & Cultural Trends

Societal & Cultural Trends

OEM Signature Lighting

OEM Signature Lighting

Luxury brands are usually wary of introducing accessories to accentuate exterior branding. High-efficiency LED lighting became one of Audi’s design signatures. The brand was hardly alone in using LEDs, but no one has adopted them as widely and successfully as Audi, which uses them to give every model a branding advantage. Naturally, when Mercedes chose to produce such an accessory for their cars, they wanted to refrain from adding something that could be seen as garish and keep it decidedly simple. Read more

Sexy Biking

Bike Sales Surpass Car Sales

In the midst of economic turmoil in Europe, more Italians are turning to bikes as their preferred mode of transportation. Such is the bicycle’s popularity in Italy that purchases of the pedal-powered two wheelers have eclipsed automotive sales for the first time since World War II. Read more