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Needs & Demands

Needs & Demands

Upcycling Car Parts

Upcycling Car Parts

Upcycling Car Parts: Taking a car part that would otherwise go to waste and finding a way to make it into something else/useful. Two of the most basic terms in the automotive Eco-Design field are ‘Cradle to Grave’ and ‘Cradle to Cradle’. They relate to the product life cycle from the raw materials (Cradle) to disposal (Grave). Cradle-to-Grave A term used in life-cycle analysis to describe the entire life of a material or product up to the point of disposal Cradle-to-Cradle A model of industrial systems in which material flows cyclically in appropriate, continuous biological or technical nutrient cycles. All waste materials are productively re-incorporated into new production and use phases. Read more

ID4Motion Digital Instrument Clusters

ID4Motion Digital Instrument Clusters

Enter the ID4Motion MotionGraphic Design Digital Cluster into the market. More and more car brands are favouring LCD instrument clusters over analogue gauges; therefore it was only a matter of time before an aftermarket company came up with an option of its own. The instrument cluster has been virtually free of aftermarket accessories for a long time. ID4Motion has set out to change that. Read more